Health Precautions
Maquipucuna is located 50 miles northwest of Quito, the capital city of Ecuador.
While the Maquipucuna Reserve is in a tropical rain forest, the reserve is at a high enough elevation where mosquitoes and other tropical diseases are not an imminent threat.
Currently, there are no tropical diseases present in the Maquipucuna Reserve.
Of course, caution should be exercised and it´s best to wear insect repellent, long pants, and long sleeves while hiking through the reserve.
Before traveling to Ecuador, consult your doctor and the CDC website to know what medications and vaccines you should have.
Maquipucuna has an extensive network of manicured trails for your leisure. However, you should take general safety precautions while walking on the trails.
There is always someone at the lodge, incuding a guard through the entire night. If anything should happen, do not hesitat to tell the staff.
The Maquipucuna Ecolodge is only about 20 minutes from Nanegal that has a clinic and 40 minutes from Nanegalito which has a hospital.